Full Stack Web Development

Experience a six months full-time learning experience and be ready to take up job opportunities in the high-demand software development industry.

Graduate in six months, part-time, and start working in the high-demand field of software development.

Meet regularly with an experienced mentor to ask the questions you care about.

Build your coding skills and launch your software engineering career

6 months
January 6, 2025
Our program doesn't require you to have any prior knowledge
Our Fullstack course cost sum of Six hundred and Thirty thousand naira only.(#630,000)
All you'll need for our program is a laptop and an open mind
Our cohorts will be given a total of 4 projects to test their knowledge
  • About this Course
Anyone with a burning passion to build solutions that solve real-world use cases is eligible to join. We appreciate people who already have an idea of what they are looking to build, but we encourage everyone to apply.
  • What you will Learn

Our full stack software development course follows a step-by-step approach to helping you learn irrespective of your prior knowledge of tech, until you can build your own web applications from scratch.

Students will learn through an instructor-led training program while working on assignments and class projects for the first 3 months. The last 3 months will be for learning and working on real-life projects with mentors four days a week.

  1. Frontend Web Development
  2. Backend Web Development
  • Prerequisites
  • A computer on which you can install software (Windows, MacOS, or Linux)
  • 4 Months to learn and work hard to build a career in tech.
  • No prior programming experience is required. We will start from the very basics
  • Course Outline
  • HTML Basics
  • CSS Styling.
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript Fundamentals
  • ReactJs library
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB & Mongoose
  • Students will build different projects and create a portfolio that will be use to get their first gig.
  • Class Schedule
Days of Class: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.